Hey ppl
woaah almost 1 week not online and post my blog..
It's because of OSMARU..
OSMARU was totally great and fun.. Yeah i got new cool friends.. 2 from admin negara and 4 from komunikasi..
Oh i found some 'treasure' here haha! lol
aaah what a happy day
27 Agustus 2009
20 Agustus 2009
Tmrw is the first day of fasting for all of muslims..
My mom said that, if we make a wish when we are fasting, our wish will be come true cos god will grant our wishes, woaah !! what a happy things, rite? :D
i can't have " buka puasa and sahur" together with my small fam, i mean full a month !hh :(
you know i'll go to 'solo' for study, so yeah just one day for have buka puasa and sahur with them.. and it's only tmrw :'( hiks
hmm, guys, i just wanna say sorry if i made mistakes with you, please forgive me... please..
i realised that i always make a trouble hehe
thnkyou ♥♥
My mom said that, if we make a wish when we are fasting, our wish will be come true cos god will grant our wishes, woaah !! what a happy things, rite? :D
i can't have " buka puasa and sahur" together with my small fam, i mean full a month !hh :(
you know i'll go to 'solo' for study, so yeah just one day for have buka puasa and sahur with them.. and it's only tmrw :'( hiks
hmm, guys, i just wanna say sorry if i made mistakes with you, please forgive me... please..
i realised that i always make a trouble hehe
thnkyou ♥♥
17 Agustus 2009
17 agustus

many whises for indonesia, hopefully this country will be more secure and our political and economic condition will be better than before.
OH ! last, i wanna say that "I AM NOT AFRAID"
yeaaah ! fight terorism! haha :D
and, you guys from another country do not be afraid to come to my country..
visit indonesia 2009
12 Agustus 2009
Never end :)

they all go, go far away...
leave me here, alone..
i know i'll also go from here, leave my family and everything in here..
there, i'm lonely without you, friend..
you always here, beside me when i'm happy or even when i'm down..
i'm gonna miss you guys..
miss everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your face and your silly deed..
we are all separate but our friendship will never end :)
you will always be my super best friends :D
08 Agustus 2009
WS Rendra
WS rendra " si burung merak " a famous poet and artist was died on thursday. He was 74. He had been treated recently for coronary heart disease. Everyone sad, but i think god knows the best for him..
bye-bye rendra
may allah gives him the best place in there
and forgive all of his mistake..
05 Agustus 2009
August 5
"my handsome boy"
May allah gives you a happiness and successfull in your life
and also i hope you can get what you want man !
Make "no such thing-john mayer" cover with your NEW GUITAR , ok? :D
love you buddy :)
03 Agustus 2009
AWESOME sneakers

nike dunk sb high

nike dunk sb low

vans era

vans authentic

I L♥VE all of sneakers above :)
bye bye aditya . .
Jum'at kemarin, gw cita putu & gigih main ke rumahnya adit, kenapa kita tiba-tiba main kesana?? yeap ! soalnya adit mau ke jogja hari sabtu dan ngga balik lagi ke jakarta !!! so, gw sama yang lain ke rumahnya aja deh main.. naik mobil cita dong :)
janjian sama cita habis sholat jum'at, biasanya lamaaa banget datengnya, eh ini tumben ontime ! jam 1pm-an berangkat keee . . rumah putu dulu laah, biasaa minta di jemput dan emang cuma dia aja yang tau rumah adit dimana haha, yaudah deeh cusss . . .
putu dijemput, kerumah adit sekarang..
sampe dirumah adit, kita ketuk-ketuk pager rumahnya, terus gw liat ada tombol kayak bel rumah, gw pencet aja. . . kok ngga bunyi ya??? ternyata dan ternyataa, that's not bell tapi buat nyalain lampu luar, okeeeyyy..
eeeh si bibi nya keluar tu, nyuruh kita masuk, terus dibuatin minuman pelepas dahaga hahaha syrup leci :9..
10 menit, 15 menit, 20 menit . . .
adit dateng jugaa, kita ke atas main-main, terus gw laper abisss, ke bawah deeh..
bibi-nya udah masakin spaghetti, ayam goreng, sama baksooo ( WOOT ) !!
makan, makan makaaaan . . .

ngga terasa udah maghrib, kita pulang deeeh..
gw cita dan gigih makan lagi nemenin cita buka puasa, kita makan di samping rumah durian, we ordered ayam tulang lunak and sushi for appetizer hahaha, gila appetizer kok sushi..

cita gigih, my besties ♥
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