28 Juni 2009
Big Brother
Happy sunday, rite?
dunno what to write on actually..
ok, so let's talk about my big brother haha
actually he is my ex-boyf, but now he is being my best best friend and brother.. :):)
i always share all of my problems with him and he won't let anyone hurt me.. awww so sweet haha
i call him rian, he's kind, funny, care, and CUTE.. he likes to cook ( haha), go to the fitness center, play basketball, watch movie (action,horror, and comedy) and his favorite music is JAZZ !! (love jazz too, so cool !).. ooh he have a pretty good voice, i loved to listen to him singing while he was playing the guitar..
you know guys?, we haven't met (face to face) for 1 year since we broke up..
well, but we are still chat on msn or facebook, and sometimes he call me or i call him (by phone)..
25 Juni 2009
3 days more
monday i'm goin to solo with my family by car , we decided to go there by car because i'll bring alot of things and stuff , umm not for holiday actually, but just for registration in university..
my mom told me that i didn't need to go back to jakarta again, WTH?!
no, i won't mom, there's still something that i must do in jakarta..
huhu :'(, guys hopefully i can go back to jakarta and spend the time with all of you till the end of july..
22 Juni 2009
Annoying headache :(
OK !! like what i thought beforeee, so crowded in there, alot of people,car,etc..
aaaand the weather was killing me ! rrrrrr so HOT ! (mom i dont even want to go there again on monday)..
that's why i got headache :'( huhu
OOOH! almost forgot, you know what guys? i'm really happy now, yippieeee hahaha. He sang with his friend(azmi :) ) for me...
but, i didnt talk alot, because.. you know, annoying headache..
anyway thanks hakim and azmi haha :D
20 Juni 2009
Pandangan pertama ♥
This song is reflecting the feelings that i feel now :D!! (but this song is from a boy for the girl haha whatever lah it's ok), ok guys just enjoy it on my playlist..
18 Juni 2009
Hang to the Out
filmnya bikin gw jantungan, sumpaaaaah, but 4 thumbs up lah, cool!
OK! it's sushi tiiiimeee, love sushi much much haha
kita dapet tempat yang ngga terlalu enak sih, tapi oke laah buat foto-foto haha..
oiyaa, sebelah table kita tempatnya ibu ibu gauuul yang pada bawa BB, sok asik banget foto-foto pake BB, mending foto sendiri, iniii minta tolong sm waitressnyaaa, ckckck
wtf laaah, hmm tapi baru kali ini niih, yg namanya eneg banget bangetan makan sushi, biasanya ngga, kayanya siih gara garaaaa cobain sushi pesenannya bintang hahaha, aneh abis rasanyaa, karena penasaran yaudah deh tanya ke waitress nya, dan ternyata isinya adalaaah, jeng jeng jeeeeeeng.... LABU AIR.... -_-"
hahahaha !!! mana ditambah si gendut ***** makan sushi punya gw..
oiyaa, si cina (agnes) haha, bikin experiment iseng-iseng makan pake apa tu gw lupa namanya, katanya sih enak ada rasa jahe nya -_-,tp gw ngga coba..
Naaah ini dia foto-fotonya :

bintang's sushi !

agnes's experiment

masih jam 4 sore, males pulang ke rumah, yaudah deh kita langsung berangcut naik trans jakarta keeee "Belezza Shopping Arcade" (lengkap abis) haha, jauh-jauh ke belezza cuma buat karaokean doang..
udah kaya orang banyak uang, jalan jauh mana pas pulang nunggu bus nya lamaaaaa banget, kira-kira hampir 1 jam lah nunggu hahaha :D
17 Juni 2009
Tuesday nite
umm, I have a boyf ,we are supposed to have a relationship, but it doesn’t even look like one (relationship).
He always waste his time with his friendsss, arrrrgh he never knew what I feel.. sadness and lonesome, yeah that’s what I feel..
One day he said something to me that made me dissapointed, he said that he couldn’t have a long distance relationship with me, not reasonable I thought :’(.. Day by day, I always think about what he said, asked all off my friends to get some advice that I hope they can solve my problem.. but, they all said the same“I think you’d better break up with him chi, coz LDR are not working”..….
Hh, well, finally we broke up last nite…
Hope the decision that I made would be the best for both of us.. oh god please help me so I can go through all of these..
OK guuuyss, just enjoy life and keep smiling..
now, i wanna tell you about what i did last night with my friend hakim, well we chatted and webcammy haha :D, he sang my favorite song, for you i will-teddy geiger and played the guitar too..
ooh, he draw some pictures for me (flowers and patrick)..
THANKS ALOT KIM !!! you always make me like this :D:D:D:D smile..hahaha
well, see these..
(nice snapshoot, rite? :D)
15 Juni 2009
Pen pals
he is singaporean haha :D hey KIM !!
he said, we like a pen pals, we never meet before (face to face), we just have a chat and meet on facebook..
i knew him since 4 months ago, hmm yeah i think 4 months :) :)
he is kind, sweet,helpful and FUN :D lol
aaaaaah wanna meet you kim, i'll go there soon and we gonna do something fun hahaha
it's him

1st :D
this is my first blog, wohooo yeyeyeee haha -_-'
hmm, actually i'm lazy to make a blog or something like this, but some of my friend have a blog and i've been read it, they share and write their activities and i think.. yeah it's fun if i have too :) :)
ok, enjoy my blog, you can leave a comment or share everything you want on my blog..
:D ichi