yeaaah he is my friend,named hakim..
he is singaporean haha :D hey KIM !!
he said, we like a pen pals, we never meet before (face to face), we just have a chat and meet on facebook..
i knew him since 4 months ago, hmm yeah i think 4 months :) :)
he is kind, sweet,helpful and FUN :D lol
aaaaaah wanna meet you kim, i'll go there soon and we gonna do something fun hahaha
it's him

he is singaporean haha :D hey KIM !!
he said, we like a pen pals, we never meet before (face to face), we just have a chat and meet on facebook..
i knew him since 4 months ago, hmm yeah i think 4 months :) :)
he is kind, sweet,helpful and FUN :D lol
aaaaaah wanna meet you kim, i'll go there soon and we gonna do something fun hahaha
it's him

:D :D..!! nvr expect my face to be there!.haha why this pic?
BalasHapushahaha, i swear that bagus would be very jealous to know this.
BalasHapushahahahaha, sok tau banget kamu
BalasHapushanya kita yang tau ya chiii,hahaha
loh tadi katanya ga tau. dasar tipu. haha
BalasHapusKIM : hahaha why kim? nice picture, i like it much much !!! :D lol
BalasHapusero : eh2 ribut2 di blog orang, soti ni ero!!!
agnes : YOI agnes ! :):)
ero : ihh maksud aku tuh kamu sok tau bgt sih ttg yg bagus cemburu itu looh, buka ttg kim